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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Maple Valley, WA

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Remove Third Molars Early To Protect Oral Health

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, develop around the age of 17 or during the early twenties. The average mouth can only hold 28 adult teeth, so an additional set of molars pushing their way in can cause problems. Leaving wisdom teeth untreated can lead to serious dental problems down the road, which is why the experts at Pacific Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons recommend early wisdom teeth removal.

Because these teeth develop during the teen years, our third molar patients are often young. Younger patients have easier recoveries, although wisdom teeth can be extracted at any age. Routine visits to your dentist ensure that your wisdom teeth are detected before they cause problems. Once they have been identified, your dentist will refer you to an oral surgeon for extraction.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth and Removing Them

Sometimes, a wisdom tooth will grow at an angle and become trapped beneath the gums. This tooth is considered to be impacted and grows toward your other molars and can push them out of alignment. Additionally, wisdom teeth have large and unpredictable roots that can damage the roots of other teeth and nearby nerves. The most common problems are:

  • Infection
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth crowding and misalignment
  • Tooth decay
  • Cysts and tumors

Many people think that just because they are not in pain from wisdom teeth, there is no problem. This is incorrect, because wisdom teeth do not have to cause pain in order to cause a problem. As soon as it’s discovered that you have developed third molars, you should get them removed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

Dr. Ben Johnson, Dr. Sohaib Soliman, Dr. Hwi Sean Moon, Dr. Kevin Huang, and Dr. Michael Baily will meet with you during your first visit. We will take 3D scans of your mouth, discuss your options for anesthesia, and outline your treatment plan during your first visit.

Most patients undergo IV anesthesia to rest during the procedure to relax in a semi-conscious state and wake up once it’s over. Your oral surgeon will remove any visible wisdom teeth with forceps and make a small incision in the gum to access impacted teeth. These teeth may need to be broken into smaller pieces and then removed. Incisions will be stitched closed, and you will rest in our recovery area.

After the procedure, you will return home, where it’s imperative that you follow the post-operative instructions. These instructions will tell you everything you need to know about home care and the recovery process. If you ever have questions about your treatment at any point, please contact our office. Our knowledgeable staff is always here to help.

Our practice offers a non-opioid option for pain relief after surgery. Ask your doctor about EXPAREL®.

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Maple Valley, WA?

The cost of this procedure will depend on how many third molars you need extracted, your choice of anesthesia, and the details of your insurance coverage. During your first visit, we will go over all of this information and provide you with a cost estimate upfront.

Types of Anesthesia

There are three main types of anesthesia that we use at our practice:

Hear From Wisdom Teeth Removal Patients

These patients can tell you about the firsthand experience undergoing wisdom teeth removal at our office.

Reviews From Our Wisdom Teeth Removal Patients

Mike Reviews His Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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Testimonial facewall mike full arch restoration king county wa
Wisdom Teeth Removal

"I came to Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons to get a total restoration. I think Carl Johnson is very easy to talk to. He had a full staff of people — there was four people that were involved one way or another, Carl being the principal person. You trust him; I guess you trust him in the fact you know that he’s going to tell you the way it is. I like Mike Johnson a lot. He’s very sensitive to how you want your finished teeth to look like. They’re so natural now that I’m not really conscious of it until somebody says, “Wow, I like your teeth.” Dental implants are definitely the way to go. I wouldn’t have done anything differently. The finished product is everything I expected. Anybody in the Kent area that was looking for any kind of dental work like I went through, I would highly recommend Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons."

Karla Reviews Her Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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Wisdom Teeth Removal

"I am the mother of three sons who have been here to the Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons to have their wisdom teeth out. When I first walked in, it was very welcoming. The receptionist and the surgical assistants were great. Dr. Carl Johnson is very nice and friendly. We have been pleased with his demeanor and his talent of what he does. So, if anyone in the Renton area is looking for a great oral surgeon, I definitely recommend Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons."

Jessy Reviews His Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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Wisdom Teeth Removal

"I felt comfortable as soon as I walked in. It was a very nice-looking office—very clean, very professional. The staff here was very helpful. They helped me feel comfortable for my procedure and ready to get my teeth pulled out. The doctor was very helpful with everything I needed, answered any questions I needed about the procedure, and just was very kind. The procedure went really well. My recovery was very smooth and easy. I’d say I had a fantastic experience just for when it comes to any procedure, especially it was my first procedure, so I felt very comfortable coming here. I would absolutely recommend Pacific Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons."

Sheryl Reviews Her Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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Wisdom Teeth Removal

"I came to Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons to get my wisdom teeth out. I definitely had pain inside my lower jaw area. They were very good at putting me at ease and explaining what they were doing. The surgeons know what they’re talking about — definitely a really good place to come. Dr. Ben Johnson is very friendly, very easy to get along with, very clear and concise, knows what he’s doing. Now that I have my wisdom teeth out, I feel pretty good. It’s not something I have to worry about anymore. I would definitely recommend this place — very nice people, know what they’re doing. Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons is definitely a great place to come. "

Sam Reviews His Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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Sam WT facewall
Wisdom Teeth Removal

"Hi, I'm Sam. I'm from Kent. I came to see Dr. Carl Johnson to get my wisdom teeth out. The staff here were great. They really helped me feel comfortable and answer any questions I had. When I first met Dr. Carl Johnson, I felt very comfortable and he was very transparent and happy to answer any questions I had. I received like information packets and links to some informational videos, which helped me feel very, very at ease. The procedure, I can't say much about because all I remember is I was warm under a blanket and then and it was over. I would definitely recommend Pacific Northwest Oral Surgery to anyone because my experience here was really great."

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average healing time for wisdom teeth extraction?

You should rest for 24 hours after your surgery and can return to your normal routine after that. Follow your instructions for diet and physical activity recommendations, as you don’t want to over-exert yourself and cause your surgical sites to bleed. It takes about 2 weeks for the surgical sites to fully heal. This will depend on your body's natural healing process and the extent of your surgery.

What if food gets stuck in wisdom teeth holes?

Your instructions will outline how to rinse your mouth after meals to keep your surgical sites clear of food and debris. If you notice any food particles around your surgical sites, rinse gently with warm salt water to clean the area. Avoid brushing your teeth in that area until fully healed. You could dislodge the blood clot or prolong the healing process.

How should I prepare for wisdom teeth removal?

Follow your pre-operative instructions closely, especially if you are undergoing anesthesia. Do not have anything to eat or drink 8 hours prior to your appointment. Arrange for an adult to remain with you in the office before, during, and after your procedure to drive you home. Stock up on soft foods, such as bananas, smoothies, pudding, or protein shakes.

Is the third day the worst after wisdom teeth removal?

Swelling typically peaks on the third day. You can manage pain and swelling with ice packs, rest, keeping your head elevated, and over-the-counter pain medications. It takes about 2 weeks to fully recover from this procedure, but you will be able to return to your normal routine several days after surgery.

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