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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Auburn, WA

Protect Your Healthy Teeth

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common oral surgery procedures performed in our office in Auburn, WA. Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are the last teeth to develop. While some wisdom teeth grow in normally, most mouths are too small to accommodate a third set of molars. It is important to receive regular dental examinations and detect wisdom teeth early.

In most cases, our oral surgeons recommend having wisdom teeth removed before the teeth are fully formed. The ideal time for removal is usually between the age of 17 and the early twenties. If you are unsure whether your wisdom teeth need to be taken out, contact us in Auburn to schedule a consultation.

Treating Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When a wisdom tooth becomes trapped beneath the gums, it is considered to be impacted and will not successfully erupt into the dental arch. Impacted teeth grow at an angle toward other molars and can knock them out of position. It’s difficult to clean around a partially emerged tooth, which can lead to infections and the formation of cysts.

Impacted wisdom teeth need to be removed by an oral surgeon. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons specialize in safely removing impacted wisdom teeth and getting our patients back to their normal routines without having to worry about third molars. Having wisdom teeth removed also prevents these complications:

  • Pain and tenderness near the tooth sites
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay
  • Damage to neighboring teeth
  • Bone loss

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

Contact us in Auburn to schedule an appointment if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Ongoing bad breath
  • An unpleasant taste
  • Seeing a wisdom tooth poking up through the gums
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Difficulty fully opening the mouth

These are common symptoms of wisdom tooth problems. Our surgeons will evaluate your oral health and discuss your options for treatment.

The Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery

During your first visit, you will meet with Dr. Ben, Dr. Sohaib, or Dr. Hwi who will take 3D scans of your mouth and talk about your options for anesthesia. Many patients undergo IV sedation, which puts you into a semi-conscious, sleep-like state. You can still respond to questions asked by your doctor but will not remember the procedure.

Once the anesthesia has taken effect, your oral surgeon will remove erupted wisdom teeth with forceps. Impacted teeth are broken into small pieces and then removed, and your surgeon will make small incisions in the gum tissue to access the bony segments. Surgical sites will be closed with dissolvable stitches, and you will rest in our recovery area until the anesthesia wears off.

You will be driven home by your prearranged driver, who should remain with you for 24 hours. Be sure to follow your instructions closely. They will guide you on which foods to avoid, how to prevent infection and dry socket, and how to manage swelling.

Our practice offers a non-opioid option for pain relief after surgery. Ask your doctor about EXPAREL®.

Cost of Removing Wisdom Teeth

The cost of a wisdom tooth removal procedure depends on how many wisdom teeth you need to be extracted and if you choose other forms of anesthesia. Your dental insurance also factors into the cost. We will discuss all of this with you during your first visit and provide you with a cost estimate upfront. We offer payment plans to make care more accessible to more patients.

Types of Anesthesia

There are three main types of anesthesia that we use at our practice:

Hear From Wisdom Tooth Removal Patients

These patients can tell you about the firsthand experience undergoing wisdom tooth removal at our office.

Reviews From Our Wisdom Tooth Removal Patients

Joy Reviews Her Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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Testimonial facewall joy wisdom teeth mother auburn wa
Wisdom Tooth Removal

"Pacific Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons inspires confidence. I have been very pleased to bring my children here and have excellent care for them. My daughter had her wisdom teeth out. My son with special needs was treated very respectfully and carefully, and it all went very well. I really trust the doctors here. I was very appreciative of how everything was handled at every stage. My kids feel great. I would very definitely bring my children back if they needed any further oral surgery. If any parents are looking for a great place to bring their children for oral surgery, I would highly recommend Pacific Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons."

Oscar Reviews His Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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Testimonial oscar wt facewall
Wisdom Tooth Removal

"The office team made me feel really welcome. Staff was really great. It really helped me out. They really took care of me. As soon as you walk in the door, they make you feel like you're the only person here. My doctor was Dr. Johnson, and he was just awesome. He just has a really good sense of humor, and he makes you feel at ease. He just makes you know that the procedure is going to go really well. My procedure did go very well, and right now I feel great. I mean, there's no issues whatsoever. My overall experience here was just awesome. I would recommend Pacific Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons."

Sam Reviews His Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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Sam WT facewall
Wisdom Tooth Removal

"Hi, I'm Sam. I'm from Kent. I came to see Dr. Carl Johnson to get my wisdom teeth out. The staff here were great. They really helped me feel comfortable and answer any questions I had. When I first met Dr. Carl Johnson, I felt very comfortable and he was very transparent and happy to answer any questions I had. I received like information packets and links to some informational videos, which helped me feel very, very at ease. The procedure, I can't say much about because all I remember is I was warm under a blanket and then and it was over. I would definitely recommend Pacific Northwest Oral Surgery to anyone because my experience here was really great."

Arica Reviews Her Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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Testimonial mother ashley facewall
Wisdom Tooth Removal

"The office staff was wonderful. From the very beginning of check-in to the gals taking us back and just even updating and seeing how quick the procedure would be, and it was very quick, and I was able to go back and be with Ashley, and they were very helpful in just going over the at-home care. From our experience, I would highly recommend this practice to anyone with children needing to get their wisdom teeth out. It was a very successful, smooth, and informative practice. I highly recommend them."

Sheryl Reviews Her Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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Testimonial facewall sheryl wisdom teeth removal auburn wa
Wisdom Tooth Removal

"I came to Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons to get my wisdom teeth out. I definitely had pain inside my lower jaw area. They were very good at putting me at ease and explaining what they were doing. The surgeons know what they’re talking about — definitely a really good place to come. Dr. Ben Johnson is very friendly, very easy to get along with, very clear and concise, knows what he’s doing. Now that I have my wisdom teeth out, I feel pretty good. It’s not something I have to worry about anymore. I would definitely recommend this place — very nice people, know what they’re doing. Pacific Northwest Oral Surgeons is definitely a great place to come. "

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time off do I need for wisdom teeth removal?

You can expect to return to your normal routine a few days after surgery, but should avoid physical activity for about one week. The surgery itself is performed in a single day and when you return home, you will likely be sleepy for the remainder of the day.

Is it rare to have all four wisdom teeth?

Some people develop all four wisdom teeth, some develop between one and four, and others never develop any at all. At your regular dental visits, your general dentist takes X-rays to track the development of third molars and will refer you to an oral surgeon when it’s time to have them removed.

How painful is removing wisdom teeth?

IV sedation is a safe sedating method that renders you into a sleep-like state during the procedure. You will be semi-aware of your surroundings and able to respond to questions asked by your surgeon. Swelling usually peaks around the third day post-surgery, and your instructions will help you manage swelling and discomfort during the healing process. Most pain can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication and ice packs.

Is getting your wisdom teeth out really that bad?

This procedure is common, safe, and performed regularly by oral surgeons every day. The anesthesia helps patients relax, while the skill of our expert surgical team safely monitors patients and performs treatment in our state-of-the-art clinical facilities. At Pacific Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, you are in excellent hands when you come to us for oral surgery.

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