Instructions: Pain Management
BACKAfter Your Surgery
We recommend reviewing this information so that you can manage your pain effectively.
- Take the prescribed pain reliever before the numbness starts to subside, making sure you have eaten beforehand.
- We recommend taking 2–3 200 mg tabs of Advil® or ibuprofen between each dose of the prescribed pain medication for 4–5 days.
- If discomfort is tolerable without the use of the prescribed pain medication, we still recommend taking 2–3 200 mg tabs of Advil or Ibuprofen every 4–6 hours to help minimize swelling.
- Take 800mg Advil or ibuprofen night prior to surgery.
- If you are unable to take ibuprofen, you can take Tylenol®.
Day of Surgery
- 1–2 hours after surgery or before the numbness starts to subside – Take the prescribed pain medication
- 2 hours later – Take 600mg Advil or ibuprofen and continue as directed
- 2–4 hours later – Take the prescribed pain medication, only as needed
We Are Here To Help
Please contact our office if you have any questions or issues with these instructions.
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