Jim’s Life After Full-Arch Restoration

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"Since I’ve had this procedure done, I can eat lots of food now. I have a nice, genuine smile."

A New Smile That Looks, Feels, and Functions Naturally

At Pacific Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, we offer the Smile Complete full-arch restoration system, a revolutionary procedure that involves replacing an entire arch of teeth with an implant-supported prosthesis. The dental implants fuse to the jaw bone and act like natural teeth roots, providing your new arch of teeth with stability so you can bite, chew, and speak comfortably.

This treatment eliminates the need for excessive bone grafting procedures or needing to replace each tooth with individual implants, which minimizes healing time. Many patients who are missing many or all of their teeth qualify for full-arch replacement with dental implants, even those who have been previously told they do not qualify for implants because of bone loss. Our team of oral surgery experts will create a treatment plan based on your unique needs, and we look forward to helping you achieve the healthy smile you deserve.